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    Free educational sites > FAQ > Teachers Accounts

    Teachers Accounts enable you to open Students Accounts.

    Students accounts can be used at school.

    - Free - They are anonymous: no data is published
    - Teachers create accounts (it is fast: 100 accounts in 10 seconds). Students can then use them.
    - You can see their marks and what they've done on our sites.
    - They can't contact other members. They can't be banned from the site because they can't do bad things.
    - Passwords are easy to remember.
    - Accounts (Teachers/Students) are kept for a long time: 1 year

    To apply for a Teacher Account, please open a "normal" account. Then, please send us a few words about your students and your school. You must be a teacher (in a school) to have a Teacher Account. Of course, it is free. I will contact you soon.